
Digest No. 3 | A couple of things that are worth understanding in-depth

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News digest for marketing and advertising professionals.
Week No. 3
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Dear Clients, CMBaltic presents 3rd week's news review. Curated for marketing and advertising professionals:


Things to start understanding

There are quite some things that people talk about, however, it had seemed too complicated or too far in the future to delve into that. Here are a couple of topics, which one should finally start paying attention to:
 - Already for a while there is a conversation about data and automatisation. Here is a short discussion about the use of data, personalization and marketing automation. As well, when looking in a more general spectrum, one needs to follow to the new technologies, therefore, here are the main trends to follow.
 - Similarly, SEO might have seemed too complicated, so here is a Google SEO guide.
 - Recently, especially after the US election results, a lot of attention has been paid to sensationalism, the way how our attention gets sold, and as well on  "What the filter bubbles are?". That's also why Facebook is trying to improve their news algorithm.

+ This month's trends from Facebook trending topics
+ Reach campaigns still have a lot of strength

3 high quality ads from large brands

+ BuzzFeed's swift campaign after Trump called them a "failing pile of garbage"

Have a nice week,


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